29/365 Filthy little bloodsuckers

The things I do for art…. I was really liking the image I posted yesterday of the canning jar. It’s actually a crazy cool creation that my mother had made. It’s a solar light, and there’s a bunch of them, and they glow blue, yellow, red or green at night. Since I photographed the daytime version of the jar yesterday, I wanted to photograph the nighttime version today.

While I was out there I noticed that the moon’s almost full and it looks wicked awesome. I went around the side of the house and busted out my tripod again to try to capture it. Unfortunately by the time I got my tripod and set it up a REALLY big cloud had covered it up. I would have waited it out, but I suffered approximately 20 mosquito bites while I was out there. I couldn’t stand it anymore, so here’s what I captured: